JTL JTL - My Life Blues (translation)

I slept for one whole night , woke up once its morning
Pick up the mike and started singing .. This is my life
Stretch waist , stretch knees , clench fists , put out my arms , time is passing
Its the 8th years , should I let go of myself ?
If you dont mind , I wish to be with you forever
Shout : Curl up , let go , curl up , let go oh !
Shouting and walking towards

One cup of soju in the morning , two in the noon , star in the night
As time passes , the tears are increasing in my eyes
I'm great being able to win the battle
As a man , clenching my fists
Picked up the knife in my heart and go fight
Though I'll return with wounds
but this' my life , what can I do ?
Every morning , like a sandcastle
like this , like civilians
Just wished to yearn for you
My heart , is like yours , believe me !
Even though I shared your burden but I can't become your happiness
Better off being alone
( Extracted one part , no idea how to put them in words ... )
we will be together forever
Forget about the pain , just think of happiness
Happiness is the only thing left behind after passing times ..
You , I will be with you always and there wont be hurt anymore
Trust me , just trust me
Start now , You wait and see
Our lives are the same , trust me , face it !
Upset and exhaust , look back , world is changing